UOS Energy Sp. z o.o. is a company established in 2014 to carry out activities in the field of exploration and recognition of hydrocarbon deposits and the extraction of hydrocarbons from deposits.

The Management Board of UOS Energy Sp. z o.o.


On November 29, 2021, the company UOS Energy Sp. z o.o. obtained a decision on granting UOS Energy Sp. z o.o. concession no. 11/2021 / Ł for exploration and recognition of crude oil and natural gas as well as extraction of crude oil and natural gas from deposits in the “Żarówka” area

On October 19, 2021, the company UOS Energy Sp. z o.o. obtained a decision on granting UOS Energy Sp. z o.o. concession no. 10/2021 / Ł for exploration and recognition of crude oil and natural gas as well as extraction of crude oil and natural gas from deposits in the “Toruń” area.